To help us display the right sermons in the right places on the website
In order to display the correct sermons and information on the church website, we need to update a few new properties for each sermon.
- ‘Book Title’ + ‘Chapter Number’ + ‘Start Verse Number’
- ‘Duplicate’: We’ll rarely use this property, but if you ever create a duplicate sermon page, set this value to ‘Duplicate’
- ‘Occasion’: There are many more options for this property than Sundays and Fridays now, so check you’ve ticked all applicable occasions. Eg. A sermon on Reformation Sunday will require both ‘Sunday Worship Service’ and ‘Reformation Sunday’ tags.
- ‘Most Recent’ + ‘2nd & 3rd Most Recent’: Only applicable for new sermons. Update if you know when to.
- ‘Thumbnail’: Only applicable for new sermons. Update if you know how to.
- ‘Media’: Set to ‘YouTube’ once you’ve embedded the video next to the scripture text.
- ‘Visibility’: Set to ‘Visible’ once all properties are filled in, scripture text is pasted in, and YouTube video is embedded.
To paste in and edit the sermon while you proofread, either work in a 3rd party word-processor (eg. Word), or create a page in the sermon page itself (shown on the right). Type the following anywhere: “/page” and click on “Page”.
Proofread the transcript in this new and paste it into the actual sermon page when completed. (Don’t forget to update the ‘Status’ and ‘Media’ properties!)
‘Book Title’ & ‘Duplicate’*
*I don’t explain the actual duplicate property in this video because I only created it after I recorded this video. EXPLANATION: once you've created any duplicate pages, please set the "Duplicate" property to "Duplicate" instead of the default "Not Duplicate". This allows us to filter OUT any duplicates from other sermon galleries that filter in sermons by date, theme, etc., so that we only see one copy of the sermon in those galleries.