1 Corinthians 4:8
Ps Paul Cheng
Dear Bethelites,
As the Apostle Paul focused on the theme of dealing with pride in the church, firstly through exhortation, he emphasized to the Corinthians that they were all servants of Christ and thus should not be fighting over who was better. Essentially, the root problem why people fight over who was better was because of pride. Secondly, through self-examination, he posed three pertinent questions. If I may put those questions in my own words, (1) Who qualifies you to be more superior to others? (2) Whatever you are proud of, do you not receive it from God? (3) If everything you have, you received from God, then why are you boasting? (emphasis mine).
Thirdly, through example, Paul would show the Corinthians why they should not be demonstrating.
III. The Example
Now ye are full, now ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings without us: and I would to God ye did reign, that we also might reign with you (1 Corinthians 4:8).
The Corinthians had an attitude of self-sufficiency as they were rich and not lacking. It was not as if they were real kings, but the idea of reigned as kings was to behave like kings.
They had the attitude of the Laodicean church in the book of Revelation 3:17. It was a lukewarm church because the Laodiceans said to themselves, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing, (but God said to them) thou knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.
People who are often proud of their own self-sufficiency. Many think that they have everything they need, and therefore, they are happy. But in reality, they do not know what they are really missing. They do not seek after God, and because of that, they are missing the blessing and satisfaction of those who hunger and thirst after God. Matthew 5:6, Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Those people who are proud of their self-sufficiency, they shall never be filled. Only God alone can fill the emptiness in man’s heart and soul!
Allow me to briefly explain Paul’s point in verse 8. As Christians, we live our lives with this anticipation of the future, when one day we would reign with Christ in the millennial kingdom. Positionally, we are complete in Christ Jesus now, but experientially, have we been conformed completely to the image of Christ? No, not yet! In Christ Jesus, we have everything pertaining to life and godliness (positionally), but do we always experience that in our daily walk? No, not yet!
God has saved us; He has enriched us, and blessed us with all the spiritual blessings in Christ and the eternal inheritance that will never perish. But we are still living on this earth. As earthly pilgrims, we are always looking forward; we are constantly “groaning” and “dissatisfied” until we reach our heavenly home. What the Corinthians were doing, was as if they had already arrived; they were so self-sufficient in and of themselves that they were behaving as if they were reigning as kings in the millennial kingdom. Basically, Paul was saying, “I wish that it was like the way you felt it was; as if you were reigning as kings in the millennial kingdom, because if it was true, then we also would be reigning with you. But that was a delusion!” The difference between the Corinthians and Paul was this; the Corinthians were living for now, Paul was living in light of the future.
Isn’t it true that for the unbelievers, they are living as if this is the only life there is to life? On the other hand, for the believers who professed that soon Jesus would return, and they would reign together with Him in the millennial kingdom. Sadly, some believers (like the Corinthians) are living as if they have arrived for they are so rich and self-sufficient in and of themselves that they are behaving like kings.
That is why when they are sick, they challenge God, “Why God, why must it be me?” When they are poor, they murmur against God, “Why God, why do you do this to me?” When they face trials, they cry out, “Why God, why do you allow this to happen to me?” That is the reason why people love to hear the health, wealth and prosperity false-gospel; come and believe in Jesus, and you will be healthy, wealthy and have prosperity. But dear friends, this is not heaven, or the millennial kingdom. We are still living on this earth, and as long as we have breath in our lungs, this is what we would face, sickness, trials and tribulations.
Are you living as earth-bound pilgrims, or are you living as heaven-bound citizens? Are you like the Corinthians living for now, or are you like Paul living in light of eternity? Do not be proud or have an attitude of being self-sufficient in and of yourself, like the Corinthians, but be like Paul who is only sufficient-in-Christ, whether there be sickness, trials or tribulation, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13).
Beware of pride, it is a deadly sin. Pride not only will destroy and divide the church, but it will also destroy you, and it is an abomination unto God. We have no grounds to be proud; everything we have, we received them from God.
In Christ,
Pastor Paul Cheng