What is a Christian? It seems like a simple enough question to answer, and thus so many people claim to be Christians today, just like the multitudes that followed Jesus when He ministered on Earth. But Jesus was not deceived, and he would not have his followers be deceived, so on multiple occasions, he Himself defined the terms of discipleship. He cut through the noise and confusion of his day, sifting out false believers, and strengthening and purifying true believres.
But what did Jesus say it meant to be His disciple? What are the terms that the Master sets for us who are called to follow him, to believe in Him?
Hello and welcome back to Tried and True a podcast aimed at helping you test the quality of your life against the true words of scripture, and every Wednesday for the next 7 weeks, we’ll be doing just that by discovering what it means to be a true disciple of Christ. This short series comes from our family camp in 2022 on the theme: discipleship - our calling from Christ, preached by Reverend Dr Prabhudas Koshy from Gethsemane Bible Presbyterian Church in Singapore.
It seems like every so-called Christian has a different understanding of what it means to follow Jesus, so to help us cut through this noise and confusion, Rev Koshy will walk us through several aspects of what it means to be a disciple, starting with distinguishing between different types of disciples mentioned in the bible, followed by the precise cost that you and I have to pay if we want to follow Christ. What does the path of a disciple entail? How do disciples approach the scriptures, what ought to be their mindset, what role must the church play in making disciples? What are the blessings that disciples experience in life? These are just some of the critical questions that will be answered in the coming weeks. Without further ado, here’s rev Koshy.
You’ve been listening to Rev Koshy from our family camp in 2022. Hopefully this episode has given you or helped you regain some insight into how you can follow Christ the way that He wants you to. Feel free to listen to the complete series on YouTube or our website. I’m your host Joshua Nah, and we’ll be back next Wednesday with another message on Discipleship: Our Calling from Christ.
- 10:29
- 13:00 - analogy of school - coming in full faith and obedience
- 15:27 cut audio coz glitch
- 36:55
What is a Christian? Countless people claim to be Christians, you might be one of them. But what did Jesus and His Apostles define as true Christianity? today we’ve learned to call this discipleship. It’s a term perhaps used loosely today to refer to evangelism or other Bible study classes. But what exactly does it mean for you and I to follow Jesus? to be His disciples? and then to help make disciples, as we’re commanded to in the great commission? The way we understand discipleship charts the course of the future of the church. everything hinges on how we follow Jesus, as individuals, as families, as the body of Christ. And so today, and for the next 6 weeks on Wednesdays, we’ll be examining this very topic, in a short series which comes from our family camp in 2022 on the theme: discipleship - our calling from Christ, preached by Reverend Dr Prabhudas Koshy from Gethsemane Bible Presbyterian Church in Singapore.
Everyone, not just those outside the church, but even those within the church, seems to have a different definition of what it means to be a Christian. you might have questions yourself. so to help refine and possibly revive our thinking, rev Koshy will walk us through several key and compelling aspects of true discipleship. what are the wrong and right definitions of a Christian? what does it mean to suffer for Christ? do all Christians have to be disciples? what is the cost that Jesus says all his disciples must be willing to pay, in pursuit of Him? and what does it even mean to pursue Christ? What place does the Scriptures play in all of this? What assurances does God promise that we’ll expeirnece in this life as we follow Christ? All this and more, drawn from the scriptures and more than 30 years of experience in God’s service, here on Wednesdays for the next 6 weeks. here’s rev koshy.
You’ve been listening to Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy from our family camp in 2022. Hopefully this episode has given you or helped you regain some insight into how you can follow Christ the way that He wants you to. Feel free to listen to the complete series on YouTube or our website. Thank you for joining us today, I’m your host Joshua Nah, and we’ll be back next Wednesday with another message on Discipleship: Our Calling from Christ.
You’ve been listening to Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy from our family camp in 2022. If this series has sparked in you a desire to follow Christ the way that He wants you to, please share this series with whomever you think needs to hear it. Thank you for listening today, I’m your host Joshua Nah…