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after the fourth point:
- the difference between God’s laws and pagan laws. / what makes God’s Laws unique? / are these laws harsh? / so what? / the underlying principles
- the example of Zaccheus
check audio levels throughout. changed the knob throughout.
the law did not allow vigilante justice. even the life of the thief was precious to God. he had the right to live. what if the thief was caught? he would have to sell himself
let us take a moment to pause and consider how seriously the people took their words. they took their vows very seriously because they took God seriously.
- entire trailer can come from this paragraph.
you might read this as a list of laws…
have u ever met someone who says the OT is harsh? nothing could be further from the truth.
we see God giving his law so that the people would learn to live as a covenant community. he wanted them to respect one another. not only their lives but their property.
“this would bring something, something and something to the community.”
God’s law did not allow excessive punishment.
penalty for theft based on social system. the punishment was based on whom it was taken from.
- in the court of our almighty God, everyone stands equal.
but God cares for the offender as well as the victim.
justice demands that we make restitution.
an apology is good, but it is not enough.
do not live like the people who say in rome do as the romans do.
- everything we do say or think we must consider God.
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