Thank God for continually enabling us to serve Him! I trust that you have been blessed in the process of your service.
- Rosters: will be prepared a month at a time as we train new transcribers and video editors to serve alongside us. Currently, there are 6 transcribers and 3 video editors. God-willing, both teams will grow in size in the coming months.
- Presentation for congregation: In order to invite people to join us, I’ll likely run a brief slide presentation on one of the coming weeks after a worship service to inform the congregation of what we do and how they can get involved.
- Paragraph lengths: Continue to be mindful of paragraph lengths, so that they do not stretch far beyond one mobile phone screen’s size.
- YouTube Chapters: We’d like to break up our sermon videos into approximately 7-15 shorter “chapters” for people to more easily engage with the content, knowing what each section of the sermon includes, hopefully motivating them to scrub around the video if they lose interest at any point. Like our trailer, description, thumbnail, this is another tool we can use to encourage retention on our videos (how long each viewers stays to watch each video).
- We ask transcribers to help create subheadings (type “/h3” in Notion) throughout their transcript within the “Hidden editing page” of each sermon page on Notion. Video editors will add these subheadings to the sermon video when they are editing it.
- Google Analytics: Although it’s impossible to tell from an outside perspective, our website is consistently garnering a decent amount of traffic. In the last month alone, we saw 564 new, unique devices visit our website. In the last 3 months, 1.9K new, unique devices.
- YouTube Analytics: while our website traffic is quite constant, our YouTube channel is actually growing at a steady rate. Here is the recent snapshot:
- “Transcript is unavailable”: If you receive this error message, you can either message the group chat and one of the video editors will try pull a transcript from our backend settings of YouTube for you. If you use Google Chrome, you can install an extension called “Merlin AI”. Create an account (or log in with your Google account), then open the sermon video whose transcript you want in YouTube, and ask Merlin AI to generate a transcript for you.