1 Corinthians 13:7d
~3 min read
Ps Paul Cheng
“…to remain steadfast in times of suffering or in the face of persecution…”
1 Corinthians 13:7d, Charity endureth all things.
This original Greek word endureth (hupomeno) is different from the previous Greek word beareth (stego) all things. This word endureth is an intense bearing, to remain steadfast in times of suffering or in the face of persecution. Inevitably it is going to happen because our love is going to be tested. And in order to pass the test, we have to endure!
Our love is going to be tested by very difficult circumstances. There was a classic example in Genesis 29 about Jacob who went to Laban because he desired to marry Rachel. Jacob loved Rachel, and her father Laban promised that he could have Rachel if he served him for seven years. Without hesitation, Jacob worked for Laban for seven years because he wanted to marry the woman he loved. And the Bible tells us that seven years seemed like a few days to Jacob because of his love for her. After enduring seven years of hardwork, did he get her? No! Laban deceived him in a sham marriage, and when Jacob woke up the next morning, he realized that the woman he married was not Rachel but Leah (her sister). Then Laban said to Jacob, “You can have Rachel if you work for me another seven years.” And Jacob did that. So, eventually, he ended up working and labouring for fourteen years to marry the one whom he loved dearly.
If physical, natural and romantic love could cause a man to endure fourteen years of hardwork, how much more the supernatural love, charity (agape). True agape love is self-giving and self-sacrificing, and it is the highest and purest form of love, and it is a love that characterises God. True agape love will remain steadfast despite adversities and trying circumstances.
That is the reason why missionaries would venture into foreign lands. They have to leave the comfort of their homes, to live in an unfamiliar environment with a different culture and language. They have to face difficult circumstances, and oftentimes without proper food, medical care and schools to send their children to. They are willing to accept all these challenges for the sake of sharing the gospel. What is the thing that motivates them? Love (agape)! Their love for lost souls enables them to endure all things!
That is also the reason why the reformers were willing to face persecutions, and even be burned on the stakes (e.g. William Tyndale, John Huss, John Rogers) for the sake of the Bible. So that millions and millions (including us) can have access to the Word of God which is able to save the souls of men. It was their love for God, His Word and the souls of men that enabled them to endure all things!
Dear friend, our love for God, His Word, His church, His gospel and the souls of men, is going to be tested by very difficult people, persecution, hostility, suffering and all kinds of trials and tribulations. But by the grace of God, we will endure, remain steadfast and pass the test, because love endureth all things!
Having learned all the characteristics of love, I would like to end by saying, “Our love is active.” Our love is not just a word, thought, feeling or an emotion, but rather it is a verb. It is an action verb; it is to rejoice, bear, believe, hope and endure (c.f. 1 Corinthians 13:6-7).
It is much easier when love is just saying some nice things to one another, or having some kind thoughts about one another, or having some emotions towards one another. But when love goes beyond our thoughts, attitudes and words, and it requires actions, that is what makes it difficult. But true agape love is God’s love in the highest and purest form, and He who has commanded us to have such a love, will enable us to exercise it. If we humble and yield ourselves to the Spirit’s leading, He will produce in us this love which is the first on the list of the facets of the fruit of the Spirit (c.f. Galatians 5:22).
With love in Christ,
Pastor Paul Cheng
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