1 Corinthians 12:8-11
~4 min read
Ps Paul Cheng
“…whether all of the spiritual gifts are still being given by the Holy Spirit today…”
Dear Bethelites,
There had been debates and divisions amongst the Corinthians, and it had to do with spiritual gifts. Likewise today, in the evangelical world, there are also disagreements and differences in understanding spiritual gifts. One of the questions is whether all of the spiritual gifts are still being given by the Holy Spirit today. Are all of the spiritual gifts still in operation today, or some of the gifts have ceased?
In the New Testament, there are diversities and varieties of gifts. Some of the gifts were known as permanent spiritual gifts which we still have today, e.g. teaching, preaching, hospitality, showing mercy, giving, etc. Some of the gifts were known as temporal spiritual gifts which were given to the church at a particular time for a particular purpose. The purpose of those sign-gifts was to authenticate the work of the Apostles and the foundation of the church. Through the Apostles, God gave the New Testament Scripture, and He was confirming their office through those sign-gifts. When the New Testament was completed, and with the passing of the Apostles, those sign-gifts had served their purpose, thus they had come to an end. Some of the temporal sign-gifts were healing, miracles, tongue-speaking and prophecies (prophecies as in on-going new revelation).
This question about the cessation or continuation of the sign-gifts is a matter of contention in the evangelical world. Perhaps, you may be thinking that this is not an important issue. However, one ought to consider the serious implication of the view he takes, whether it be cessation or continuation. If the sign-gifts are still in operation today, and one says that they have ceased, then he is guilty of quenching and resisting the Spirit, and hindering the Spirit’s work. On the other hand, if the sign-gifts are no longer in operation (they had served their purpose), and one says that they have not ceased, then he is attributing to the Holy Spirit things that do not come from Him. In other words, it is a deception! And if it is a deception, and it does not come from the Holy Spirit, then the next question is, “Where do those “sign-gifts” come from?” At best, they would be worldly and deceptive, at worst, they would be demonic! Therefore, this question about the cessation or continuation of the sign-gifts is a serious matter that has grave consequences.
That is the reason why the Apostle Paul spent a large portion of this book of 1 Corinthians to deal with this matter. Here, in this passage in 1 Corinthians 12:8-11, firstly, he began by illustrating the varieties of gifts given by the Holy Spirit to profit, edify and build up the body of believers, the church. Some of the gifts were permanent, while others were temporal!
I. The Gift Of Wisdom
Verse 8a, For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom;
The phrase for to one is given by the Spirit emphasizes the sovereign choice of God. The Holy Spirit is the Giver of spiritual gifts so that the believers may perform their God-given duties. It is a gift!
The phrase word of wisdom refers to the ability of applying God’s truth to the situations of life. Two persons may have the same amount of knowledge (e.g. facts, information and understanding), but the one who has the gift of wisdom is blessed with the God-given ability to apply that knowledge to a real life situation. Most Bible counsellors and pastors would have this gift of wisdom as they must know, understand and be able to apply God’s truth in order to help the people.
II. The Gift Of Knowledge
Verse 8b, to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
Some theologians believe that the gift of knowledge should precede the gift of wisdom because knowledge always comes before wisdom. Here, the word of knowledge refers to perceiving and understanding the truths of God’s Word.
The Holy Spirit gives to some believers a special ability to study His Word, understand certain individual words and phrases, and discover the full meaning of the text and context. These people are then able to help other believers better understand the Word of God.
Bible teachers and preachers would have this gift because they first have to be equipped with the word of knowledge to be able to teach and interpret God’s truth to others. The only way these people could receive this gift of knowledge is by studying and meditating on the Holy Scripture (2 Timothy 2:15).
III. The Gift Of Faith
Verse 9a, To another faith by the same Spirit;
This gift of faith is not just saving faith or the daily faith one needs to live his life. This kind of faith has to do with the ability to trust God in very difficult situations. It is the ability to trust God in times of overwhelming obstacles and human impossibilities.
On one occasion, the Apostle Paul was travelling to Rome as a prisoner, and the ship encountered a terrible storm. After throwing all the cargo and equipment overboard, for many days the sailors went without food, and they were despaired. At that crucial point, Paul told the people, Be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man’s life among you, but of the ship. For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hat given thee all them that sail with thee. Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me (Acts 27:22-25). It was such a strong faith in moments like this that has helped others to preserve and press on.
Throughout the history of the church, thousands of saints who had believed in God in the face of great danger and even death. And in exercising their gifts of faith, they had strengthened the faith of their brothers and sisters in Christ. Thousands of missionaries had given their lives to evangelise to tribes that people would consider impossible to minister the gospel, and by God’s grace, those tribal groups had responded to the gospel. Hudson Taylor went to China, David Livingstone to Africa, William Carey to India, and they were all men of great faith. Today, the gospel has reached almost every corner of the world!
In Christ,
Pastor Paul Cheng
(To be continued in the next pastoral chat)
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