Exodus 20:12
~21 min read
💭 Consider this: Jesus perfectly honoured His imperfect earthly parents. How can we imitate Him?
If you have your Bibles, please turn with me to Exodus 20:12. Let us read in one accord. Exodus 20:12, "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee." The LORD bless the reading of His holy and sacred Word.
Throughout the history of the church, there have been a lot of speculation as to what the two tables of stone contain. Some believe that all the ten commandments were written on one stone and the other stone was a copy of it. Others believe that the first table of the law contained the first four commandments while the second stone contained the other six commandments. They believe that the first four commandments have to do with God and the other six commandments have to do with our neighbours.
The reason for holding to this view is partly because Jesus said, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments [meaning these two sets of commandment], hang all the law and the prophets." (Matthew 22:37-40)
While it is true that we should not speculate because the Bible does not tell us exactly what each of the tablets contain, but there are some principles that we can draw from it. If you love God, you will have no other gods before you (Exodus 20:3), you will not make any graven images (Exodus 20:4), you will not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (Exodus 20:7), and you will keep the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8).
And if you believe that on the second tablet contains the other six commandments, then loving our neighbours must begin at home. If you honour your father and mother, you will love your neighbour: You will not kill, you will not commit adultery, you will not steal, you will not bear false witnesses against your neighbour, you will not covet your neighbour's wife or his house. (Exodus 20:12-17) Augustine said, ‘If anyone fails to honour his parents, is there anyone he will spare?’
Most people tend to think they understand the fifth commandment, but there's more that meets the eye. So in order to help us to better understand and appreciate this fifth commandment, let us take time to consider the requirement of this commandment, the reason for obeying this commandment, and also the reward that comes from obeying this commandment.
I. The Requirement
So let us first consider the requirement: "Honour thy father and thy mother:" (Exodus 20:12) Notice in this commandment, no age limit was given. So, it is not only a commandment given to young children but to everyone who has parents. As long as we have parents, this commandment applies to us. We must honour them, no matter how old we are and no matter how old they are.
When we first read this commandment at face value, it deals with the parent and child relationship. This is the primary relationship of life, parent and child. This is the first relationship that a child is aware of, and how a child responds to this relationship is the first test that he encounters in this world. But because of sin that has affected the whole human race, perhaps this is also the first commandment in the law of God to be broken at a very young age. It reveals to us the total depravity of men, even in the youngest children.
The Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 64 teaches us how this commandment ought to be applied. It begins with this question: ‘What is required in the fifth commandment?’ The answer is: ‘The fifth commandment requires the preserving the honour, and performing the duties belonging to everyone in their several places and relations, as superiors, inferiors, or equals.’
Why does the Westminster Shorter Catechism not just mention ‘honour your parents’? But it includes honouring everyone in their various places and relations as superiors? Allow me to briefly explain: When God created man, the family was the only divine institution that a man needs. If man had not sinned, the family would have been the only institution, and every member of the human race would belong to the same spiritual and political family.
But man sinned against God, and after the fall of man, two other institutions were ordained by God: the church and the state. Because of sin, it was necessary to introduce distinct areas of authority. The church was instituted for the work of the Gospel and to govern the believers who have embraced Jesus Christ. The state was instituted for the restraint of evil in this world. This is a wicked world; therefore, we now have an addition to the original God-given authority in the family. Now we have leaders in the church and in the state as well.
That is why the Westminster Shorter Catechism says, we are to honour the duties belonging to everyone in their different places and relations. That is why we are not surprised to find that sometimes the Bible calls state rulers ‘fathers’. For example, in Isaiah 49:23, "And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers:" So, the ruling leaders of the state were called fathers. And church leaders are also sometimes called fathers in the Bible. For example, Paul said to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 4:15, "For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ [you have many teachers], yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel." And we all know that the Apostle Paul was known to be a spiritual father to young Timothy.
So, it is also not surprising to see that the Bible commands us to obey and honour all these God-given authorities, whether it be in the family, in the church, or in the state. For the family, Ephesians 6:1 says, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right." For the church, Hebrews 13:17 says, "Obey them that have the rule over you [the spiritual leaders], and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you." What about the state? Romans 13 tells us to obey the authority appointed by God for the punishment of evil and for the encouragement of good.
So, this is the actual scope of the fifth commandment: a regard for all the authorities that God had appointed, beginning with the family and then extended into the other institutions—the spiritual family, the church, and also the state. We must also include within this scope those authorities placed above us not in the institutions but by God's providence, like the master and slave relationship described for us in Ephesians chapter 6 (Ephesians 6:5-8). And that will also include the employer-employee relationship, teacher-student relationship, etc. So, not only the authority instituted by God but also by the providential hand of God, they will fall under the fifth commandment as well.
Now, you will notice that the requirement to honour the family, the church, and the state is very much connected. This regard for one authority will always be accompanied by the disregard for other authorities. So, if a child has no regard for parental authorities, he has not been taught to honour his parents. It is unlikely that he would have any regard for the church or for the state.
Most of you know that I used to work amongst the prisoners in Singapore. If you were to do a study on the criminals who have disregarded the laws of the state, very often it begins with the disregarding of the parental authority at home. And then it leads to a disregard for all other authorities.
All of us know that we cannot keep the laws of God perfectly. We break the laws of God, and we stand guilty before a holy God. There's only one and that is Christ Himself who has kept the laws of God perfectly. And salvation is to believe in the One who has imputed His righteousness on us, to believe in the One who has kept all the laws of God perfectly on our behalf, and who bore the guilt of our sins upon Himself when He was crucified on the cross, shedding His precious blood that is able to wash away all our sins.
If Christ has kept all the laws of God perfectly, then it must also include this fifth commandment, right? So, it is very wonderful to see how our Lord Jesus has obeyed this commandment while He lived on the face of this earth.
Let me just quote some examples: To the family, Luke 2:51 says, "And he [Jesus] went down with them [His parents], and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them:" As a young child, Jesus honoured His parents. He subjected Himself to their authority.
What about His submission to the authority of the church? Matthew 23:1-2 says, "Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat:" Now, that is the seat of authority they said, and they taught the Word of God. And Jesus said this, "All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.” (Matthew 23:3) So Jesus gave honour to the seat of Moses. He respected the authority of those who taught the Word of God. And He told the disciples, ‘Listen to those teachings.’ But He simply warned them not to follow the examples of the Pharisees and the scribes because they were not good examples.
What about His submission to the authority of the state? Remember in Luke 20:25, the chief priests and scribes tried to test our Lord Jesus, ‘and they asked Him, Is it lawful for us to give tribute to Caesar, or no? Jesus said, Show me a penny. Whose image is on the penny? They answered, Caesar’s. And Jesus said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's.’ (Luke 20:19-25) So by His life, Jesus taught us to honour the God-given authorities in the family, in the church, and even in the state. He set the ultimate example for you and I to follow, and He did it so perfectly.
Dear friend, are we better than God to disregard those God-given authorities when even our Lord Jesus Himself obeyed? God forbids.
Tonight, we will not deal with the authorities of the church or the state, but only honouring our fathers and mothers. But nonetheless, these are all included in the fifth commandment.
II. The Reason For Obeying
Our second point is the reason for obeying the fifth commandment. Under normal circumstances, the first people a child would know are his parents. All of us would agree to this fact. If we do not respect authority at home, we will not respect it anywhere else. Charity really does begin at home.
The word ‘honour’ in the Hebrew language means heavy or weighty. It is the word the Old Testament would often use to describe the glory of God, to give weight to His divine majesty. Therefore, to honour one's parents is to give weight to their position. It is to give them the recognition they deserve for their God-given authority. To honour is to respect. It is to value our parents as God's gift to us. And we must never think that we have given too much weight, too much authority, or too much respect. But rather, it is always how much we have fallen short.
Sad to say, rebelling against one's parents is a common sin, especially in the Western world.
In one of the teenage magazines, one girl was asked, ‘Do you really hate your parents?’ She replied, ‘Like who doesn't?’ Most young people assume that breaking the fifth commandment is just an ordinary part of growing up.
But do you know that God considers dishonouring one's parent to be one of the most horrendous sin that anyone can possibly commit? When it comes to dishonouring one's parents, the Bible treats it with a kind of horror. Some of the worst curses and punishment recorded in the Scriptures were reserved for children who rebelled against their parents. Leviticus 20:9 says this, "For everyone that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him." Deuteronomy 21 says, ‘If a man has a son who is stubborn and rebellious, who refuses to obey his parents, refuses to accept their discipline, all the people should come together and stone him to death.’ (Deuteronomy 21:19-21)
It is a very serious sin. In fact, in the New Testament, disobedience to parents is listed as one of the signs that we are all living in the last of the Last Days. You can read about that in 2 Timothy 3:1-2.
Well, to honour our parents can take many forms, but it must always begin in the heart. Just like all the other commandments, this fifth commandment addresses the heart. So, we are not just to show an external compliance to God-given authorities, but we must truly have this desire in our hearts to honour our parents. And as covenant children of any age, we must recognise that our parents are given to us by God for our good, for our faith, and for our lives. It is our duty to honour our parents. They have devoted their entire lives to raise us up. They have worked so hard to take care of us, to provide for all our needs, and they love us so much. We must have this gratitude in our hearts to honour them.
Yesterday, I was having dinner with a couple who have a young baby. It was still quite early, and then the couple said to me that ‘the baby is very sleepy, he has to sleep so we have to go home.’ What does that tell us? The parents' life revolves around the child. When the child wants to sleep, the parents must go home. The parents work hard for the child's education, for his well-being, for his comfort, for his future. They made many sacrifices, and they deserve to be honoured, don't you think?
Almost about 15 years ago, I came to Melbourne. After I arrived in Melbourne, my dad quickly booked a ticket to come to Melbourne. So he came, I think, after several months. Not because he loved to visit Melbourne, in fact, he could not stand the cold. He came because of me. I was told that he could not sleep for weeks after I left for Melbourne. So he told his friends that ‘I must make a trip to visit my son’.
Dear children, your parents always have your welfare in their hearts, and you will always be the same precious child no matter how old you are. Do you think I'm not able to take care of myself? Obviously, I can. But in my dad's eyes, I will always be that same precious child.
Parents deserve to be listened to because of their wealth of life experiences. So you must give weight to what they say. Listen to them, and then obey their counsels. You must realise that they are more experienced and wiser than you are. So, take heed, give weight, listen to what they are about to tell you. Perhaps one day you will reach adulthood, and then you become your own decision-maker, but still, you must give weight to listen to your parents. They have something to teach you.
Please do not despise your parents or treat their counsels as nagging. One day, that nagging will stop because God will take them home. And when that happens, all of a sudden, that nagging will stop if you considered it a nagging.
I learned this valuable lesson at the age of 13 when I lost my mother. Like most other teenagers, I used to think of my mother as nagging at me. I knew she loved me, cared for me, but I disliked the fact that she had to repeat so many times, so I always told her, ‘Stop it, stop it! Enough!’ I was rude. I was not a believer then. Well, true enough, all of a sudden, it stopped. She was gone, and there was complete silence. Even if I were to beg to hear another time, she would nag. I will never hear that voice again. So please do not despise your parents. They love you. Honour them. Give weight to what they will say to you. Listen. There will come a time where there will be no more.
You must honour your parents by speaking respectfully to them and also speaking respectfully about them. And you are always willing to submit cheerfully, always eager to please them, always wanting to maintain good relationships with them. You must honour your parents by caring for them, especially in their evening years: when they are in need and unable to care for themselves. So caring and loving your parents in their old age is a way of honouring them.
When you were young, your parents carried you. They held your hands and taught you how to walk. And then they walked you to school, and they drove you to all places. They were always by your side. Now you are fully grown. You're able to drive your own cars. Your parents are old, unable to walk, and need someone to hold their hands. And here you are, you say, ‘It is so strange. It is so awkward. I will not do it.’ That should never be the case.
Proverbs 23:22 says this: "Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old." So, when she's old, she needs you. Do not despise her. Love her, honour her by taking care of her. You must honour your parents, and in doing so, you are setting an example for your children to follow.
I think some of us are familiar with this story. It has been repeated in many places. But allow me to quote this for our learning.
There was a woman who was living with her father-in-law, and he kept spilling the food all over himself and all over the place. Finally, she yelled at her husband. And he had to create a corner in the next room for the old man, and they fed him there next to the back door so when he made a mess, it would not be such a hassle. This continued for some months, and then they created a wooden bowl for the grandpa. Then one day, the mother saw their little child messing around with little pieces of wood, and she asked him, ‘What are you doing?’ The little boy said, ‘Oh, I'm making a bowl for you and Papa so that when you are old enough, you will be able to sit in the corner like Grandpa.’ Of course, the woman's heart was broken, and the grandfather was immediately brought back to the table.
The way we treat our parents will be a reflection of the way our children will treat us. They learn from our examples, so we have to set good examples for them. Honour our parents.
You must also honour your parents by following their good examples, especially if they are believers and faithful believers. This is the greatest way of honouring our parents. When we embrace Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour and then we walk by faith. To follow our parents' example of faith, is the greatest honour a covenantal child can ever give.
And ultimately, keeping this fifth commandment glorifies God because God commands it. And God says in Ephesians 6:1, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right." So, do this, this is right. You do it, you glorify God. Colossians 3:20 says, "Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord." It pleases the Lord.
But what if our parents are not Christians? We still honour them. And the best way to honour our parents is to share with them the message of the Gospel. Think about this: our parents spend their lifetime taking care of us, providing for us, running after us. Should we not spend our time and effort to care for their spiritual life, to care for their eternity? Once they draw their last breath, a million upon a million years, they would be lost. How can we not spend all our time and effort to minister the gospel to them? This is the greatest honour we can ever accord to our parents.
What if our parents are not Christians and they try to stop us from doing what God has commanded us? Now, this is not uncommon. There are a lot of parents who find it hard to accept their children praising God and then putting Christ first in making their decisions relating to their marriages, careers, and families. So, they find it hard. So, they're always against their believing children. That is the reason why Jesus said, "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." (Matthew 10:37)
We must never let our honour for our parents supersede our honour and love for God. When it comes down to a choice, all of us must remember that our true Father is in heaven, and we must do His will. That is the reason why Paul said to the Ephesians 6:1, "Obey your parents in the Lord." "In the Lord" means according to what Jesus has commanded you, and this is an important qualification. So, we must never let our honour for our parents come at the expense of our honour for the Almighty God.
One piece of advice for all those who are living in families where your parents are unbelievers: you have a spiritual family, you have spiritual fathers and mothers in the church, and you can run to them for help. But even then, we must still show our parents honour and respect.
III. The Reward That Comes With Obeying
Let us move on to our third and final point: the reward that comes with obeying this commandment. Do you realise that honouring our parents serves our own best interest? Verse 12 of Exodus 20 says, "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee." In Ephesians 6:2, the Apostle Paul says, ‘This is the first commandment with a promise.’ Now, this promise is intended to give special encouragement to the children.
One commentator said, ‘Honouring our parents ought to be a spontaneous thing, ought to be a natural thing, but because of the depravity of the heart, God knows how difficult it is to obey our parents.’ So, this fifth commandment comes with the promise—a blessed promise, the first commandment with a promise. In the Bible, most of the commandments contain curses or punishments, but this commandment comes with a promise.
But this promise must not be taken as an automatic guarantee that children who obey their parents will live up to ninety years old or hundred years old. It does not mean that honouring your parents is like a life insurance policy and your life will be extended as long as you honour your parents. Nor does it mean that someone who dies at a very young age is guilty of breaking this fifth commandment. For reasons unknown to us, for reasons of His greater glory, God sometimes allows people to die young even when they almost always honoured their parents. You and I live as long as God determines; you and I live for His purpose and for His glory—not one day or even one second longer than we should.
But this promise still stands: children who honour their parents will receive the gift of life. The question is, how can this promise that "thy days may be long" (Exodus 20:12) be applied into our lives? Allow me to end with these three considerations:
Firstly, there is a physical dimension to it. When we honour the authority that God has ordained, it helps to enrich our lives, it helps to protect our lives. It helps us by keeping us safe from the many sins that will affect us.
We all know that the consequences of sin are most devastating. It can affect and even shorten our lives. Like, for example, drinking, drug taking, rioting, and even the crimes that people commit that come with devastating consequences. When we have godly parents, when we obey those authorities that God has set above us and we follow their examples, we listen to their counsel, it will enrich our lives, it will protect us, and it will keep us safe from all these harmful consequences. So, there's a physical dimension to it.
And now, there's also a spiritual dimension to it. Because when the Bible talks about ‘living long in the land’ (Exodus 20:12), it is not simply speaking about the length or the age of the person. Because the Hebrew expression of ‘thy days may be long’ speaks of the fullness of God's blessing. It is a foretaste of the abundant life that our Lord Jesus promised us.
Remember, Jesus said in John 10:28, "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." Of course, there's a physical aspect to eternal life, as in it will never come to an end, but the greater emphasis is on the significance of eternal life. It is a life that is filled with God's blessings, so there is a spiritual significance to that “thy days may be long” (Exodus 20:12).
Thirdly, there's a covenantal dimension to it, because this promise has very special meaning to the children of Israel all because of God's covenantal promise. God promised to deliver them out of Egypt (Exodus 3:8), and God did that (Exodus 14:30). God promised to bring them into the promised land (Genesis 15:18), a land that is filled with milk and honey (Exodus 3:8), and God brought them into the promised land (Joshua 3).
The way to ensure that they will live in the fullness of God's blessing, to dwell in that land, is that they must begin by honouring their parents. And as I've shared, once you disregard this authority at home, you will disregard all the other authorities, whether it be the church or the state, and then the entire nation will crumble. And God said, ‘Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land’. (Exodus 20:12) So, there's a covenantal promise to it.
Dear friends, this promise remains with us today as God's covenant children. When we honour our parents, when we live with a strong regard for this fifth commandment, not only will there be a physical dimension, there will also be a spiritual dimension, and most importantly, there will be this covenantal dimension because God promised. And when we obey, we will experience His peace in the family, in the church, the spiritual family. We will experience His goodness, His blessings that will come to us in ways beyond measures if only we will obey His commandment.
So let us all take heed. Let us remember there's a requirement and the reason why we obey this commandment. Ultimately, we want to glorify God. We want to please Him. We want to do that which He has commanded us. And there's a reward that comes with us obeying His commandment. May the Lord have mercy and help us to obey His Word all the days of our lives. Let us pray.
Father in heaven, we thank Thee for enabling us to consider this fifth command. Indeed, many a time we read Thy Word and we assume that we know about this particular commandment like the fifth commandment, and we glance through it without giving much attention nor thought. Forgive us, Thy Word is true; there are many wonderful truths that we ought to learn of which many a time we have overlooked. Help us, oh Lord, as we consider this evening the fifth commandment. Thou who has blessed us with parents, Thou has also commanded us to honour, give weight, respect, value them as Thy gift to us, and it is for our good, for our faith, and for our lives.
And we honour our parents, we love them, our hearts are filled with gratitude of all the things they have done for us, and we want to always value them, esteem them highly. And we pray that Thou wilt always cause us to remember because as humans, we always forget. And Thou hast promised us too: there is this special blessing that cometh with this commandment—this is the first commandment with a promise. And we have learned of the physical dimension, the spiritual dimension, and most importantly, the covenantal dimension. Oh Lord, Thou deals with us in a covenantal way, and as Thy covenantal children, may each and every one of us be reminded of the way Thou would deal with us.
So help us to apply Thy Word into our lives so that all of us will not just be hearers only but to be doers of Thy Word as well, rightly dividing the Word of Truth so that we will be workmen not ashamed but to be approved by Thee and of Thee in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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When We Have Done Everything Right, and Yet Trouble ComesWhen We Have Done Everything Right, and Yet Trouble ComesExodus 5:22-6:5
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Faithful or UnfaithfulFaithful or UnfaithfulExodus 6:13-27
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The Second Plague - The FrogsThe Second Plague - The FrogsExodus 8:1-15
The Third PlagueThe Third PlagueExodus 8:16-19
The Fourth PlagueThe Fourth PlagueExodus 8:20-32
The Fifth PlagueThe Fifth PlagueExodus 9:1-7
The Sixth PlagueThe Sixth PlagueExodus 9:8-12
The Seventh PlagueThe Seventh PlagueExodus 9:13-35
The Eighth PlagueThe Eighth PlagueExodus 10:1-20
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Departure From EgyptDeparture From EgyptExodus 12:29-42
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The Test of FaithThe Test of FaithExodus 16:11-20
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Thou Shalt Keep The Sabbath DayThou Shalt Keep The Sabbath DayExodus 20:8-11
Honour Thy Father And Thy MotherHonour Thy Father And Thy MotherExodus 20:12
Thou Shalt Not KillThou Shalt Not KillExodus 20:13
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On What Basis Can We Approach His Majesty?On What Basis Can We Approach His Majesty?Exodus 24:4-8
Responding To God’s InvitationResponding To God’s InvitationExodus 24:9-18
The Right Attitude Of GivingThe Right Attitude Of GivingExodus 25:1-8
There I Will Meet YouThere I Will Meet YouExodus 25:9-22
Physical Or Spiritual Bread, Which Is More Important?Physical Or Spiritual Bread, Which Is More Important?Exodus 25:23-30
Let Your Light So Shine Before MenLet Your Light So Shine Before MenExodus 25:31-40
The Veil That SeparatesThe Veil That SeparatesExodus 26:1-37
A Day In Thy Court Is Better Than A ThousandA Day In Thy Court Is Better Than A ThousandExodus 27:1-19
Who Can Represent Us Before God?Who Can Represent Us Before God?Exodus 27:20-28:14
How Can We Know God’s Will?How Can We Know God’s Will?Exodus 28:15-30
Is Our Worship Attire Really Important?Is Our Worship Attire Really Important?Exodus 28:31-43
The Ordination Of PriestsThe Ordination Of PriestsExodus 29:1-21
The Provision For PriestsThe Provision For PriestsExodus 29:22-29
Remind Us For We Always ForgetRemind Us For We Always ForgetExodus 29:36-46
Sweet Hour Of PrayerSweet Hour Of PrayerExodus 30:1-10
The Danger Of The Number GameThe Danger Of The Number GameExodus 30:11-16
If Thy Presence Go Not with Me, Carry Us Not Up HenceIf Thy Presence Go Not with Me, Carry Us Not Up HenceExodus 33:12-23