Titus 2:9-10
~18 min read
💭 Consider this: In what ways, both good and bad, have you been a witness for God at work? Having been convicted by Scripture, how can you be a better witness for God at work?
Our text for this morning’s message is taken from Titus 2:9-10. Allow me to read for you. “Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again; not purloining, but showing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things”. The Lord bless the reading of His holy and sacred Word.
Today, there are many evangelist methods and techniques that have been developed to try to win people for Jesus Christ. A lot of money has been spent for those evangelistic programs like the Gospel rallies, crusades, and campaigns whether through the media, television, or radio. And they can amount to millions of dollars. But all those evangelistic efforts will be wasted if the people who name the name of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour do not live godly and transformed lives.
The reason is because the average unbeliever is always watching and observing the life of the believer. And some will conclude that ‘Well, the things they say may sound good. But it is hard to believe that it is real. Why? Because look at the way they live their lives’. One of the biggest obstacles in evangelism is the scandal of people who profess to be Christians but live as if they were not. Or people who claimed that God had saved them but their lives demonstrated that they had not been delivered from sin. Sadly, the unbelievers have been exposed to this kind of hypocrisy for a long, long time.
Dear friend, no matter how loud we may preach Christ; no matter how well we may articulate the Gospel message, if there is no credibility in our lives; if we do not live as a person who claims to be saved by the Gospel, all our efforts will be meaningless. It was the same problem Paul and Titus had to face on the island of Crete. In Titus 1:16, Paul spoke about the false teachers and false believers. “They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate”.
Then at the beginning of chapter 2, Paul turned his attention to the believers using the word “but” which was a point of contrast. In other words, ‘As for you who are true believers, you are different. Do not behave like the false teachers and false believers. Do not just mouth the name of Jesus Christ. But your life does not manifest the transformation that the Gospel is able to provide’. In our previous messages, we have dealt with the “aged men” (Titus 2:2), “aged women” (Titus 2:3), “young women” (Titus 2:4-5), and “young men” (Titus 2:6-8). This morning, we will deal with the “servants” (Titus 2:9-10).
Firstly, let us consider the term “servants”. The original Greek word is doulos. Sometimes translated as slaves. It refers to someone who was under submission. In the Roman Empire, it was believed that about 50% of the population would fall under the category of a slave or servant. When we think of slaves, very often we only think of a particular racial group of people. But in the first-century society, that was not the case. About half the people, technically, were slaves. Some became slaves because they were born to parents who were slaves. Others sold themselves into slavery to pay off a debt. Yet others were captured in war.
Many of them were highly educated and cultured. And they were given great responsibilities in running the households and businesses. Basically, the entire economy depended upon the slaves or “servants”. They made up the labour force of the Roman Empire. And they were an essential part of life in ancient times. While it is true that some of them were mistreated, abused, beaten, and even killed — but on the other hand — others were loved and cared for. So much so that when they were given the opportunity for freedom, they chose to continue serving because they loved the family and they had become a part of the household.
Here, this passage was not addressing the condition of slavery or the justification of slavery. What it simply means is that if they were slaves or “servants”, they had an obligation to live their lives to demonstrate the saving power of God. At least in five other different places in the Epistles, the Bible talks about the relationship between the master and slave. If we were to apply this principle in our times today, it would be the relationship of the employer and employee.
The Bible has a great deal to say about how you and I ought to conduct our lives in the workplace, either as an employer or an employee. Do you realise that about one-quarter of a person’s adult life is spent on the job? So, it is extremely important for us to understand how God wants us to fulfil our responsibilities at the workplace. The title of our message is ‘How Can You Witness For God More Effectively At Work’?
There are five qualities that the Christian employee ought to exemplify in his or her life.
I. Be Obedient
Firstly, we must be obedient. Look at the first part of verse 9, “Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters”. In the New Testament times, many slaves became Christians. When they became Christians, their first natural response was to look at their physical slavery as completely inconsistent with their new standing as the children of God. They reckoned that as God’s children, they should not be subject to any human beings and, most certainly, not to the unbelieving pagan masters.
However, Paul said to Titus, “[You must exhort the] servants to be obedient unto their own masters”. Why? Because your first obligation is to please God and be a faithful testimony. And the way to do that is to be obedient to those whom you work under regardless of who they are or what characters they have. The word “obedient” is sometimes translated as submission or to be in subjection like in Ephesians 5:22, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord”. The same word was used.
To obey or to submit is a military term. It means to rank under; to fall in or to get in line. Someone who is the general is above the captain. And the captain is above the sergeant. And the sergeant is above the private. There is this order of submission. That is the idea. Likewise, in the marriage life, ‘wives are to submit to their own husbands, as unto the Lord’ (Ephesians 5:22). In the family, children are to submit to their parents.
In the state, citizens are to submit to the king and all those who are in authority. And to recognise that those powers are ordained by God. In the economic environment, the employees also have to submit to their employers. In other words, you have to know your position in the order; you have to know your place. If you are the general manager of a company, and you have some employees working under you, and you send an email message to tell them what to do, you expect them to do it right?
This is the order because you happen to be their employer in a sense. But all of a sudden, your phone rings, and on the other end is the chief executive officer, and he says, ‘I would like to change the details’. Well, you know that the plan would have to change because the chief executive officer happens to be your boss. Initially, you were directing the people under you. But now, you have to submit to the one above you. And obedience is the key in this order within the social structure.
When you obey and submit, you know your place; you know the order; you know who is the master and who is the servant. And you act accordingly. You may be an employee and you have a boss above you. But perhaps you also have some subordinates working under you. You must learn to respond to the one who is above you and the one who is under you. And the way you do that is a great opportunity for you to show forth your Christian faith. The way you behave in your workplace is a wonderful platform for you to show off your Christian testimony.
As believers, we obey not simply because we desire to or because our employers are reasonable. In fact, the Apostle Peter said that you are to obey your employers even if they happen to be very difficult people. 1 Peter 2:18 says, “Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward” which means perverse or crooked. Believers are to obey in everything and at all times.
The only exception is when you have been instructed to do something sinful and immoral. And it is contrary to the Holy Scriptures. In that kind of scenario then you must apply the biblical principle in Acts 5:29, “We ought to obey God rather than men”. Our first allegiance is to God alone. And we must obey Him.
II. Be Well-Pleasing
Secondly, we must be well-pleasing. “[And] to please them well in all things”. In the New Testament, the phrase “please them well” is almost always used as “acceptable” and “pleasing” to God. Like Romans 12:1 says, “You must present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service”. Even in our workplace, we must always remember that God is our Ultimate Overseer. And in the Bible, God clearly said that being well-pleasing to our Heavenly Master includes being well-pleasing to our earthly masters.
We work hard to please our employers because it first pleases our Master who is in Heaven. In your company, you may work hard to attain a level of excellence for the sake of promotion, or increment in salary, or for the security of your job. While all those motives are legitimate, however, they are not your highest objectives. Above all these things, there should be this sincere desire in your heart to want to be “acceptable” and “pleasing” to your God.
If you and I truly believe that God is the One who has blessed us with jobs and opportunities, that means He is the One who has placed us in that particular place. He is our Ultimate Employer, so to speak. Then the next question is ‘What kind of work would we do if the Lord Jesus Christ is our Employer? What kind of work would we render if He is going to evaluate our works’? So, it is not just our bosses — it is the Almighty God — we should be concerned of.
Pastors, preachers, and other Christian workers are not exempt from this principle. One pastor was asked, ‘To whom do you prepare your sermons’? The pastor replied, ‘For God because whatever service I render; whatever duty I have to the elders; whatever obligation I have to the church is very minimal in terms of measuring it against the responsibility I have to my Almighty God’.
Dear friend, we must always bear in mind that our earthly bosses will have a lower standard than God because His standard is perfect. If we operate on that principle; if we work according to His divine standard, we will surely overwhelm our earthly bosses no matter who he is because God’s standard is perfect.
There are some Christians who believe that if their employers are Christians then they have less obligation to respect and obey them. And in fact, their Christian employers are obligated to give them special treatment since they are all fellow believers. That kind of thinking is very carnal and unscriptural. Why unscriptural? Listen to the words of 1 Timothy 6:1-2.
“Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed. And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort”.
In other words, if we are respectful and obedient to our unbelieving employers, how much more we should be to our believing Christian employers whom God said, “they are [the] faithful and beloved, [they are] partakers of [benefits]”? An employer is an employer, no matter who he is. And he deserves the best effort in whatever work we do for him. As the believer sits beside his boss in a worship service like this, he does so on a completely equal brother-in-Christ level. But on the job, he must submit to the authority of his boss. And that will show forth his submission to a higher authority. And that is God and His Word.
III. Do Not Be Rebellious
Next, we must not be rebellious. “[Not] answering again” means not to speak against; to rebel, argue, and oppose. This is a very common problem amongst many employees. They do not like what they were told to do so they do not do it. They do not like what they were told to do so they go around to gossip and garner support from other colleagues to oppose the plan. They do not like what they were told to do so they do it half-heartedly. And when the whole system fails then they will say, ‘See, I already said that it should not be done in the first place’.
The Christian in the workplace is to be known as a person who respects the authority. And he has no business to rebel nor to undermine the authority. When the authority speaks, he obeys. Obviously, again, if he contradicts the Holy Scriptures then he must not do it.
Some years back, I had a Christian friend whose boss wanted him to entertain the clients by bringing them to the nightclub in order to clinch the deal. He refused to do so and he explained to the clients that it was against his convictions as a Christian. He thought the clients would be offended and they would complain to his boss. He might lose his job. But instead, they said to his boss that they respected his honesty and they would rather work with someone who was like him: honest. Today, this person is the head of a department, a huge department, by the grace and mercy of God.
We live in this modern day of self-centredness. Being argumentative seems like a way of life for most people, even some Christians. The prohibition here does not refer to standing up for our convictions; for things we believe to be right and God-honouring. But rather here, it refers to things that have to do with our own self-interest and preferences. If it does not suit me; if it is not according to my preference; if I am not happy then I will speak against.
Workers can speak, not that they cannot speak. If there is a proper forum for discussion; if there is a proper place in which you can share your ideas, opinions, and knowledge, by all means, do so. But when the management makes a final decision, the command is given. And you who understands your place, your position in this order of submission. And the key is obedience. No matter how disappointing and unfair it appears to be, you comply with complete commitment. Because you are doing it unto the Lord.
IV. Do Not Steal
Fourthly, do not steal. “[Not] purloining”. We seldom use this word “purloining”. But the basic meaning is to separate; to take something from here and put it over there, to embezzle, or to steal. In ancient times, all the work and minutest details were handled by the servants. The bosses were not the ones who handled the operational work. Some dishonest servants were so experienced in their work that they knew how to cut corners; they knew how to embezzle and steal. That is why we get this old expression: ‘He knew the tricks of the trade’. He had learned all the tricks.
We have it today as well. And the meaning of this term “purloining” can go all the way from petty theft — like bringing stationaries and supplies from the office back to our home for personal use — to making unauthorised calls on the office phones; to falsifying financial reports, inflating the expenses, misappropriating of funds, and so forth. But the most common form of stealing in the workplace is to steal time. When we laze around and waste our time. Or we delay the assignments given to us.
Some years back, I was helping a friend to shift some furniture to his new house. He engaged the house removal services. And they charged by the hour. And then this friend of mine said, ‘Look, they could have taken two or three pieces of items as they go. But they purposely take only one single piece of item because they want to delay the time’. And then he said this, ‘Time is money’. How true.
Do you think our bosses do not know? Do you think they are blind and they do not know that we are lazing around, wasting our time, chit-chatting in the pantry, surfing the internet, delaying our assignments? They know. Sometimes it can be tempting for the employees to steal because all he needs to do is to look at the employer and say, ‘Look at how rich my employer is. Look at how much he has. He will not miss it if I just take a little bit. I’m not going to take a lot. I’m just taking a little bit’.
Even if our employers will not notice what we have taken. Even if we are able to fool our employers. But we cannot escape the eyes of the Almighty God who is watching us at every moment. He knows. And He will take into account everything we do. When Christians do such things, their actions not only are unethical and may hurt their employers financially but, most importantly, it is unscriptural and it will hurt the Lord’s name and our testimonies.
We can be talking about Jesus all the time, singing hymns during break time, or reading the Bible and looking all spiritual. But if we are taking things, money, and even time that do not belong to us; that rightfully belong to someone else, we are dishonest. It doesn’t matter what we say. The people will conclude that your God is not real. Because if your God is real then He will be able to transform sinners into saints. And, most certainly, He has not transformed you. What a shame that would be if we were to live such a life. God forbids.
V. Be Faithful
Finally, Paul said, ‘Be faithful’. “[But] shewing all good fidelity”. The word “fidelity” means faithfulness, loyalty. It refers to trustworthiness, reliability. A quality of being totally dependable. Even when one is not being watched by the master or employer, it doesn’t matter. Today, the word loyal is very much forgotten. Because everyone practically lives for himself. But there was a time when people were faithful to the company they worked for; there was a time when wives, husbands, were faithful to their marriages. And friends were faithful to one another.
As believers, we must never forget this important virtue. Do not be the kind of employee whereby your employer would say, ‘I’m afraid to take a week’s vacation. Because when I come back, I do not know what will happen to my business. These people cannot be trusted’. But rather, we must prove ourselves, that we can be trusted. And that is the word “shewing” which means give ample evidence, provide sufficient evidence, that you can be trusted; that you are faithful, you can be depended upon. So you and I must be obedient, be well-pleasing, do not be rebellious, do not steal, and be faithful.
And what is the motivation behind all these qualities? Look at the end of verse 10, “[That] they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things”. The original Greek word for “adorn” is from where we get the English word for cosmetic. It is this Greek word kosmeō. Cosmetics are designed to make one beautiful. We all know that. Especially women. In other words, a Christian at work; a Christian in the workplace; a Christian just being a Christian — obedient, submissive, hardworking, and honest — will make the Gospel shine.
Our lives cannot save anyone. No matter how well we live our lives. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can save. But through our lives, we can make the Gospel more attractive, as in believable. We can make the Gospel for some people, that it would be worth listening to. Through our lives, we can effectively make our bosses wonder, ‘Why is this person so different from the rest? Why is this person so humble, patient, obedient, submissive, honest, and faithful’? And when he knows that we are Christians, he will realise that Christianity really has some substance to it. And, peradventure, he will be willing to listen when we share the Gospel.
Dear friend, have you been a good witness at your workplace? What does your boss and your colleagues think about you? Do they know that you are a Christian? One of the most important and effective place of evangelism is the place where we work. Our workplace is our mission field. Because that is the place where the unbelievers have the opportunity to observe us in day-to-day situations and activities; that is the place whereby they will see whether we are patient or impatient, kind or uncaring, honest or dishonest, faithful or unfaithful, clean or vulgar in our speech.
They have the opportunity to see how well we have lived our lives according to the Gospel we believe in and the principles of the Scriptures through which we claim we love so much. They will see. Have we lived such a life? Our workplace is our mission field in that sense. Inviting our unbelieving friends to church is important. But it will be useless and even counterproductive if our behaviour, reliability, and honesty is questionable.
Perhaps as an employee, you have been exemplary in your behaviour at work. But you feel that, ‘In living such a life; in sharing the Gospel with my employer and fellow colleagues, I’ve often been rejected; I’ve not been recognised, not accepted, not appreciated, and, most certainly, not rewarded’. Dear friend, remember our Ultimate Employer is the Almighty God. And He has a sovereign purpose to put us there. So, we must learn to look beyond our bosses and onto our Heavenly Master who will look down from Heaven to see if we truly obey His Word or not.
God knows, that He is using such a passage like this to speak to us this morning; that through the Apostle Paul who commanded Titus to teach the servants, He is also teaching us, “Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again; Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things” (Titus 2:9-10).
When we do that, the day will come when God Himself will reward us accordingly. Then it is not a matter of dollars and cents; it is not about promotion; it is not about the increment in salary. It is about a reward that we will receive from Jesus Christ Himself that will last forever and ever. A million upon a million years, that reward; that crown of faithfulness will still be with us. I pray that all of us will live such a life to the glory of God.
Let us pray. Our Father in Heaven, we thank Thee for enabling us to study through the Book of Titus. Indeed, Thou has warned us in chapter 1 of those false teachers and unbelievers who profess that they know Thee. But in works they deny Thee. They are disobedient. And they are incapable of doing any good work that is acceptable in Thy sight. They are reprobates. And then Thou turn Thy attention to the believers. But as for you, true believers, you ought to be different. You have to live such a life.
And Thou has taught us about the aged men, aged women, young men, young women. And this morning, Thou has taught us how we ought to conduct ourselves at our workplaces as servants. We are all servants ultimately. And our Master is in Heaven. We obey our employers not because we like it, not because we desire to, not because they are reasonable. But because Thou has commanded us. And it is well-pleasing to Thee.
So, we obey because we are able to look beyond our earthly employers onto our Heavenly Master who looks down from Heaven. And He wants us to obey His command. Grant to us Thy Spirit. Fill us with Thy Spirit. So, that all of us will be able to live such a life. Not just in this year, 2025. But for as long as our Lord Jesus will tarry in His Return. And it is all for the glory of Thy precious name. We pray all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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