James 3:13-16
~16 min read
đź’ Consider this: How has “false wisdom” shaped your life?
I greet all of you in the blessed name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Our text for this morning's message is taken from James 3:13-16. Many years ago, I overheard a conversation between two fathers talking about their children. One of them said to the other, "Your son is so smart, intelligent, and knowledgeable. Look at his academic results; he's an excellent student." The other father replied, "Yes, my son is smart and intelligent, but he has no wisdom." Later on, I found out the reason why he said that was because his son was an unbeliever.
What is wisdom, or biblical wisdom? Wisdom is not just knowledge; wisdom is far more than the accumulation of information and intellectual understanding. Today, man has a vast accumulation of knowledge. Man has learned to travel faster than the speed of sound, but yet, spiritually, he displays his lack of wisdom by going faster and faster in the wrong direction. Men may have accumulated a huge library of information about the world, but they display their lack of wisdom by failing to live any better in this world. The Bible tells us that wisdom is rooted in the fear of God.
Job said in Job 28:12, "But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. The depth saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith, It is not with me. It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof." And then he said, "Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding." Someone once said, "If you fear the Lord, you have nothing to fear; if you do not fear the Lord, you have everything else to fear." How true. The wisest man in the world, Solomon, said in Proverbs 1:7, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction." If a person does not fear God, he's not only unwise; he is a fool, because Psalm 14:1 says, "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."
Wisdom has to do with how we live; it has to do with the application of biblical knowledge into our lives. You can take two persons who have the same truth. They can write down the answer on a piece of paper; both have the same answer. One of them has learned to live it, and he has skillfully applied what he knows. The other lives his life as if he has never known it, and he is constantly making foolish decisions that have nothing to do with the knowledge he knew. What is the difference between the two of them? It is not just knowledge; it is the application of knowledge. You and I are wise only if we pay attention and live out what we know from the Bible. If there is such a thing as true wisdom, then there is also false wisdom. This is what we want to learn from today's passage. The title of our message is "The Danger of False Wisdom."
I. The Test Of True Wisdom
Firstly, James spoke about the test of true wisdom. Let us begin with James 3:13, "Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom." James was writing this letter to the believers dispersed throughout the world outside of Palestine. Just like all the local churches today, the church then was made up of true and false believers. So James was speaking to all of them—true and false believers. In a sense, he was saying, "In what way are you wise? In what way have you been blessed with knowledge?" Remember, the difference between wisdom and knowledge is that wisdom is the application of knowledge in a given situation. So how have you applied the knowledge you profess to have into your life?
In other words, what is the use of having such a high opinion of yourself, thinking that you are wise and you have been invested with much wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, but look at your life. Look at the decisions you make. Look at the way you behave. Look at your works. Look at how you handle issues and challenges. They do not reflect that wisdom. That was why James said, "Let him show out of a good conversation," which means a good behaviour, "his works with meekness of wisdom."
The original Greek word for "good conversation" is made up of two words from which we get the English word for "calligraphy" or decorative handwriting. It has the idea of being attractive, beautiful, and full of grace—something that people would gravitate towards. When you need help, when you face problems, you don't just go to a person who knows a lot, but you go to someone who is wise enough to take what he knows and apply it to the situations of life. You see that in the person's life, in his behaviours, in his works, in his decisions, in how he responds to the situations of life. You recognise his wisdom and you are attracted to it. You are drawn to him for advice; you go to him for counsel.
Oftentimes, we think of wisdom, we think of someone who is strong, powerful, vocal, articulate, and eloquent, not someone who is meek. Interestingly, James used the phrase "meekness of wisdom." The word "meekness" means gentleness. It is one of the fruit of the Spirit. It does not mean weakness, but rather power under control. For example, a horse may be powerful, but when it is tamed and brought under control, it becomes useful to its master. Likewise, a believer who is meek is brought under the sovereign control of God's word and His Spirit. He becomes useful to God. God is the Giver of wisdom. He wants all of us, His children, to use our wisdom for His glory. So, the believer is someone who will put all his strength, his abilities, his capabilities, his knowledge, and his life at the feet of Jesus Christ, and he will say, "Lord, help me to use what You have given to me for Your glory."
An example in the Bible of someone who had the meekness of wisdom was Moses. He was known as the meekest person on the face of the Earth. In fact, he was not eloquent in his speech. When God called him to go to the Pharaoh and ask him to let His people go, Moses said, "How can I do that? I'm not eloquent; I'm slow of speech; I have a slow tongue” (Exodus 4:10). And God provided his brother Aaron to speak on his behalf. However, when we read the book of Exodus, there are so many people coming to him for advice, counsel, and judgment, so much so that he had to appoint 70 elders to help him do that. Can you imagine? It took 70 men to do what Moses did. Was he strong? Was he capable? Most certainly. That is meekness of wisdom—power brought under control. It is not weakness. The opposite of meekness is pride.
Can you imagine going to someone who is proud of his wisdom? You will never do that because that person will not understand you; that person will not identify himself with you because he's proud, he's high up there; he will not accept you. Listen to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ: "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:29-30).
In those days, when they wanted to train a young ox, they would yoke it to an older and more experienced ox, so that the older ox would train the young ox how to walk, where to walk, and which direction to go. By bearing the same yoke, the untrained ox would be taught. It would learn from the older and more experienced ox. Using this analogy, our Lord Jesus calls us to yoke ourselves to Him and learn from Him. We go to Jesus not only because He is able to help us (obviously He is able to do so), but because He is gentle and humble. He understands us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He is patient with us, and He will teach us at every step of the way.
Dear friend, whether you are a preacher, elder, deacon, parent, or Sunday school teacher, are you someone who is wise? Are you someone who is able to apply biblical knowledge into your life? Are the people drawn to you, attracted to you by your good behaviours, by your good works? Are the people seeking you for advice, counsel? Are you someone who is able to teach others gently and patiently, following the pattern of our Lord Jesus Christ, teaching them with meekness of wisdom?
II. The Characteristic Of False Wisdom
Next, James moved on to discuss the characteristic of false wisdom. Verse 14: "But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth." Our behaviour will determine whether we are truly wise or not, and how we behave is the result of our motivations. It is that which motivates us to do what we do and say what we say, and our motivations always begin in our hearts. Nobody knows, but we know, and obviously, God knows.
Firstly, false wisdom is envious. Someone once said the difference between jealousy and envy is that jealousy desires what the person has, and envy hates the person for having it. In a sense, someone who has false wisdom will hate the one who has true wisdom. The word "envying" by itself is bad enough, but with the word "bitter" attached to it, it is even worse. The meaning of "bitter" is something that is pointed, sharp, and prickly, like the sharp needle that pricks our flesh. It is very painful. Here, James was speaking of the worst kind of envying that will cause a person to say bitter, hurtful, sharp words to hurt others with no concern for the feelings or welfare of others. When such a person cannot get what he wants, what will he do? He will strive, he will quarrel, and fight to create factions or divisions. He cannot stand others better than him or wiser than him. He will not tolerate a rival or competitor.
There was a story of two men who lived in a particular city. One was envious, and the other was covetous. One day, the governor of the city sent for them and said he wanted to grant them one wish each, with one condition: that the one who chose first would get exactly what he asked for, while the other man would get twice the amount of what he asked. The envious man was asked to choose first. Immediately, he found himself in a dilemma because whatever he asked for, the other man would receive twice the amount. He wanted to choose something great for himself, but he realised that if he did that, the other man would get twice as much, and he was not willing to settle for that. He thought for a while and finally asked that one of his eyes be plucked out. Obviously, he wanted the other man to lose both his eyes. That is a picture of a person who has bitter envying and strife. He is not willing to accept the fact that others are better than him or more blessed than him, even if he has to suffer for it.
What does the Bible teach us? Love rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth (1 Corinthians 13:6). Such behaviour is contrary to the truth of the Bible. That was why James said believers must never do that. They must not lie against the truth or slander the truth. Believers must not glory or boast. They must not say, "Look, I am so superior and successful compared to all the rest. Look how wise and clever I am." When one boasts of his abilities and elevates himself to a position that is not true but false wisdom, that is not the true wisdom of the Bible.
Verse 15: "This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.” In other words, this kind of wisdom did not come from heaven above. It did not come from God, His word, or His Spirit. The source of this kind of wisdom is earthly, sensual, which means natural. It belongs to the flesh or devilish. Notice these are the three great enemies of the believer: the world, the flesh, and the devil.
This false wisdom is of the world because it follows the philosophies, ideologies, and values of this evil world system. It cannot see beyond this life and does not look at life with the viewpoint of the Bible. It does not accept what the Bible teaches, that a man's life is like a vapour. It appears for a little time and then vanishes away; that a man's life is but three score and ten (70 years), and if by reason of strength, four score years (80 years), and then man will die. Basically, he lives his life for the sole purpose of eating, drinking, and being merry, as if this is the only life to live. He forgets that it is appointed unto man once to die, and after this, the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Isn't it true that the vast majority of the people in this world have this mindset?
This false wisdom is of the flesh because it is based on self-confidence, self-centredness, self-ambition, and self-gratification. Everything he does, says, or thinks is to gratify the flesh, which is fallen and corrupted by sin. Paul said, "There is nothing good that dwelleth in my flesh” (Romans 7:18). This false wisdom is of the devil because it is based on pride. Isaiah 14:12-15 says about Lucifer, who was cast out of heaven: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” – and God said to him – “Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit”.
Notice the number of times Lucifer said "I, I, I." It is all about "I, me, and myself." And then finally, he said, "I will be like God." Dear friend, that is the attitude of the unbelievers who have this false wisdom. It is always, "I have achieved this, I have accomplished that, I have done this and that, I am strong, I am rich, I am powerful, I am able. It is my hands that have brought in all these blessings, and all the things that I have accumulated are for my own personal enjoyment." This is my opinion, my understanding, my way is the only right way. It is all about "I, me, and myself." Man has become his own god without any consideration for God. That is false wisdom. It is a wisdom that is of the world, of the flesh, and of the devil.
III. The Result Of False Wisdom
Finally, James spoke about the result of false wisdom. Look at verse 16: "For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." When you have this false wisdom that is of the world, the flesh, and the devil, there will be envying and strife. And where there's envying and strife, there will be confusion and every evil work. The word "confusion" means instability. People are confused, and they do not even know and understand why they are doing what they are doing. They may think that they know, but in reality, they themselves are unstable. They are confused.
Recently, I read an article that said the people who march in the streets to fight for women's rights and the abortion of babies are the same people who march in the streets to save the whales. They don't mind killing babies, but they have a problem with killing whales. When people do not have God in their lives, when they are anti-God, at the end of the day, they will think that whales are more important than babies. People who protest in the streets to stop the war, to stop the killings, but they themselves are creating riots that end up with hundreds, if not thousands, being killed—are they not confused and inconsistent?
Take a moment and consider those people who insist that they have a right to protest in the streets, like in Melbourne, to stop the traffic, to block the vehicles in an attempt to stop pollution and gas emissions. They insist they have a right, but others do not have the right to travel on public transport and return home safely because of them. Others do not have the right to take their sick loved ones to the hospital. The gay movements insist that they have a right to be addressed by their preferred genders. To date, we have about 72 different genders. Even they themselves are confused, and who knows how many more genders will be added in the months and years to come. They insist they have a right, but others, like you and me, do not have the right to follow the two genders that God has given to us: male and female. There is no wisdom at all, only absolute confusion, and everything that follows would be evil works.
So, in the midst of all this confusion, we see every evil work being practised: anger, resentment, bitterness, lawsuits, divorces, social and racial disharmony, riots, civil wars, and anarchy. In some places, even the church is not spared. Churches are divided today. People no longer want to hear sound biblical teachings; they would rather hear false teachings that will tickle their ears. Look at the health, wealth, and prosperity gospel, which is not a gospel at all. It is not good news but bad news because it will lead the people on the path of eternal damnation. Yet, those pastors and preachers are enjoying their lives, living in big mansions, flying in their own private jets, at the expense of the millions and millions of dollars offered to them by their congregations. Is there not confusion in every evil work?
Dear friend, physically, socially, economically, and spiritually, we see absolute confusion and every evil work. We are living in the most chaotic world, and it will get worse and worse, as our Lord Jesus has taught us in Matthew 24. The world will enter into tribulation, and our Lord Jesus will come. It is all because the people have departed from God. It is all because the people have rejected God. It is all because the people are living their lives based on this false wisdom of the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Most of us are familiar with Harvard University, which is one of the finest universities in the world today. You see the emblem of Harvard University with the motto and blazon on it. In Latin, it is just one word: "Truth." But do you know that was not the original motto? The original motto had more than one word. The original motto was "Truth for Christ and the Church." The people removed those words and only kept one word: "Truth." How sad. In the pursuit of truth and knowledge, people have forgotten about God. They have rejected God.
Dear friend, when God is not in the picture, when God is removed from our lives, man becomes the measure of all things. Man becomes the arbitrator of all things. That is the fundamental root problem. That is the danger of false wisdom, and it will get worse and worse. We cannot fathom how our children would endure as they are taught such false wisdom in secular schools. May the Lord be merciful. As believers, you and I must always centre our lives on God. He is our Creator, our Sustainer. We would not be here if not for Him. He must be the president of our lives.
We must teach our church, our families, our children, and ourselves that in all our decisions, in the way we live our lives, in our behaviours, in our works, in the way we respond to issues and challenges in any given situation, we must never follow the false wisdom of the world, the flesh, and the devil. We must follow God and God alone. We must always abide by His truth. Only that is true wisdom. That is the only way you and I should live our lives to the glory of God. When we return next week, we will learn the blessing of true wisdom. Let us pray.
Father in Heaven, we thank Thee for enabling us to consider this portion of Scriptures once again. We acknowledge that it is not by chance or coincidence that we are able to look into this portion, but Thou hast intended for us to consider it this morning. O Lord, help us, because as humans we always forget and we always turn back to those things that we are committed not to follow after. O Lord, remind us and help us not to follow the false wisdom of the world, the flesh, and the devil, because it does not come from Heaven above, nor from Thy Word or Thy Spirit. We want to follow Thee and the Bible. Help our church, and all the families, children, and individual lives. We are here today to learn of this truth. There is only one way for us to live our lives, and that is to apply biblical knowledge into our lives. So, teach us Thy word and may the Spirit of God help us to apply Thy truth. Only that is true wisdom. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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