Sermon Text
Luke 19:10
November 20, 2022
Rev Reggor Galarpe
(Coming soon…)
THE BOOK OF LUKEJoy to the WorldJoy to the WorldLuke 2:8-14
Responding to Christ's BirthResponding to Christ's BirthLuke 2:8-17
Message 4: Basic Principles on PrayerMessage 4: Basic Principles on PrayerLuke 6:12
Message 2: The Parable of the Good SamaritanMessage 2: The Parable of the Good SamaritanLuke 10:30-37
Message 3: The Pattern from the Lord’s PrayerMessage 3: The Pattern from the Lord’s PrayerLuke 11:2-4, Matthew 6:9-13
Message 3: The Parable of the Friend at MidnightMessage 3: The Parable of the Friend at MidnightLuke 11:5-13
Message 1: A Sincere PleaMessage 1: A Sincere PleaLuke 11:11
Overcoming MaterialismOvercoming MaterialismLuke 12:13-34
Message 4: The Parable of Counting the CostMessage 4: The Parable of Counting the CostLuke 14:25-35
Message 5: The Parable of the Unjust ServantMessage 5: The Parable of the Unjust ServantLuke 16:1-13
Lessons on StewardshipLessons on StewardshipLuke 16:1-13
Message 3: Praying to God to Increase our FaithMessage 3: Praying to God to Increase our FaithLuke 17:5-6
To Seek And To Save That Which Was LostTo Seek And To Save That Which Was LostLuke 19:10
Message 1: God’s Covenantal DealingsMessage 1: God’s Covenantal DealingsGenesis 17:5-7, Luke 22:2
The Goodness Of Good FridayThe Goodness Of Good FridayLuke 23:13-25