Hebrews 12:1-3
¹ Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, ² Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. ³ For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
THE BOOK OF HEBREWSChrist, The Living WordChrist, The Living WordHebrews 1:1-2a
The Sevenfold Supremacy of ChristThe Sevenfold Supremacy of ChristHebrews 1:2b-3
The Greatness of Jesus Christ (Part 1)The Greatness of Jesus Christ (Part 1)Hebrews 1:4-6
What Child is This?What Child is This?Hebrews 1:4-6
The Greatness of Jesus Christ (Part 2)The Greatness of Jesus Christ (Part 2)Hebrews 1:7-14
The Danger of Drifting AwayThe Danger of Drifting AwayHebrews 2:1-4
What is Man, that Thou Art Mindful of Him?What is Man, that Thou Art Mindful of Him?Hebrews 2:5-9
The Captain of Our SalvationThe Captain of Our SalvationHebrews 2:10
Jesus, Our Sanctifier and ConquerorJesus, Our Sanctifier and ConquerorHebrews 2:11-15
Jesus, Our High PriestJesus, Our High PriestHebrews 2:16-18
Jesus is Greater than MosesJesus is Greater than MosesHebrews 3:1-6
Start and Finish WellStart and Finish WellHebrews 3:7-11
Harden Not Your HeartHarden Not Your HeartHebrews 3:12-19
Enter into God’s RestEnter into God’s RestHebrews 4:1-11
Encountering the Word of GodEncountering the Word of GodHebrews 4:12-13
Sola Scriptura: Scripture AloneSola Scriptura: Scripture AloneHebrews 4:12-13
Through The Priests Or To God Directly?Through The Priests Or To God Directly?Hebrews 4:14-16
Christ, Our Great High PriestChrist, Our Great High PriestHebrews 4:14-16
Jesus, the Superior Great High PriestJesus, the Superior Great High PriestHebrews 5:1-10
Dull of HearingDull of HearingHebrews 5:11-14
The Tragedy of Falling AwayThe Tragedy of Falling AwayHebrews 6:1-8
Things That Accompany SalvationThings That Accompany SalvationHebrews 6:9-12
Things That Accompany SalvationThings That Accompany SalvationHebrews 6:9-12
The Anchor of Our SoulThe Anchor of Our SoulHebrews 6:13-20
The Greatness of MelchisedecThe Greatness of MelchisedecHebrews 7:1-10
The Sufficiency of MelchisedecThe Sufficiency of MelchisedecHebrews 7:11-19
The Superiority of MelchisedecThe Superiority of MelchisedecHebrews 7:20-28
A More Excellent MinistryA More Excellent MinistryHebrews 8:1-6
The New CovenantThe New CovenantHebrews 8:7-13
The Tabernacle Fulfilled in ChristThe Tabernacle Fulfilled in ChristHebrews 9:1-7
The Time of ReformationThe Time of ReformationHebrews 9:8-14
The Reasons Why Jesus Had to DieThe Reasons Why Jesus Had to DieHebrews 9:15-26
An Appointment None Can EscapeAn Appointment None Can EscapeHebrews 9:27-28
We Preach Christ CrucifiedWe Preach Christ CrucifiedHebrews 10:1-18
Introductory MessageIntroductory MessageHebrews 10:19-25
What Shall We Do?What Shall We Do?Hebrews 10:19-25
A Living FaithA Living FaithHebrews 10:24-25
It is a Fearful Thing to Fall into the Hands of the Living GodIt is a Fearful Thing to Fall into the Hands of the Living GodHebrews 10:26-31
A Call to PerseveranceA Call to PerseveranceHebrews 10:32-39
Message 1: The Nature of FaithMessage 1: The Nature of FaithEphesians 2:8, Hebrews 11:1
Message 1: What is Faith?Message 1: What is Faith?Hebrews 11:1, Jude 3
The Faith of AbelThe Faith of AbelHebrews 11:4
The Faith of EnochThe Faith of EnochHebrews 11:5-6
The Faith of NoahThe Faith of NoahHebrews 11:7
The Faith of AbrahamThe Faith of AbrahamHebrews 11:8-16
The Faith of the PatriarchsThe Faith of the PatriarchsHebrews 11:17-22
The Faith of JochebedThe Faith of JochebedHebrews 11:23
The Faith of MosesThe Faith of MosesHebrews 11:24-29
The Faith of Joshua and the PeopleThe Faith of Joshua and the PeopleHebrews 11:30
How Have You Been Running The Race?How Have You Been Running The Race?Hebrews 12:1-2
Let Us Run The RaceLet Us Run The RaceHebrews 12:1-3
How to Run the Race FaithfullyHow to Run the Race FaithfullyHebrews 12:1-2
The Christian RaceThe Christian RaceHebrews 12:1-3
Despise Not Divine ChastisementDespise Not Divine ChastisementHebrews 12:4-11
Guard Against Stumbling and FallingGuard Against Stumbling and FallingHebrews 12:12-17
Follow Peace and HolinessFollow Peace and HolinessHebrews 12:14
From Untouchable to ApproachableFrom Untouchable to ApproachableHebrews 12:18-29
True Faith Leads to True Living (Part 1)True Faith Leads to True Living (Part 1)Hebrews 13:1-3
True Faith Leads to True Living (Part 2)True Faith Leads to True Living (Part 2)Hebrews 13:4-6
Remember Our LeadersRemember Our LeadersHebrews 13:7, 17
Jesus is The SameJesus is The SameHebrews 13:8
Do Not Be Carried About by Divers Strange DoctrineDo Not Be Carried About by Divers Strange DoctrineHebrews 13:9
Are You Willing to Stand with Christ?Are You Willing to Stand with Christ?Hebrews 13:10-16
Pray for UsPray for UsHebrews 13:18-19
Blessed AssuranceBlessed AssuranceHebrews 13:20-21