Our Beliefs
We are a reformed, fundamental and Bible-Presbyterian Church, Calvinistic and covenantal in our doctrines, adhering to the Westminster Standards (ie. the Confession of Faith and the Larger (Part 1 & Part 2) and Shorter catechisms).
We endeavour to preach the whole counsel of God, believing in the sufficiency of God’s inspired, infallible and preserved Word to convict and convert the hearts of sinners. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” Thus, it is our strong conviction that the Bible alone must be our manual and sole source of wisdom for life and practice, especially in this ecumenical age of doctrinal compromise.
On this website, you will find information about our ministries, fellowship groups, upcoming programmes, as well as a range of biblical resources to aid you in your study of God’s Word. If you are looking for a Bible-believing church or tools to help you grow spiritually, we hope our website can help.
Our History
Bethel started as a house Church in 1986. Dr S.H. Tow was the first Pastor God used to provide spiritual leadership for Bethel. Gradually, the Church grew and was formally registered in 1988. God sent different visiting pastors and elders to minister to the brethren during these early years.
In 1998, Pastor Stephen Khoo was brought to Melbourne and took on the Resident Pastor role. Since then, Pastor Khoo has continued serving in the Bethel BPC Session. Since 2011, Pastor Khoo is based in Singapore to take on additional teaching duties at Far Eastern Bible College.
In 2010, Pastor Paul Cheng was brought to Melbourne to assist Pastor Khoo. He came after some years of service in Gethsemane BPC in Singapore. He was ordained in Bethel BPC in 2011 and was appointed Bethel’s Resident Pastor. Pastor Cheng has been serving in the Session of Bethel BPC since then.
By God’s grace, Bethel BPC has been provided spiritual guidance and leadership through these men. Rev S.H. Tow has gone home to be with the Lord, however Pastor Khoo and Pastor Paul are still alive and actively serving God. Praise God for the roles they have played in shaping and moulding Bethel BPC. May God continue to use them and Bethel BPC to fulfil His will and purpose.
Our Worship
Bethel Bible-Presbyterian Church conducts a reformed Worship Service in which we believe God has appointed prayer, songs of praise and the reading and preaching of His Holy Word, that in unison, His Name would be praised and glorified.
The Sunday Order of Worship begins at 9:30am and usually concludes by 11:00am. It comprises of an opening hymn, prayer to the Lord and Scripture reading, followed by hymns and a memorisation verse and the Offering, Thanksgiving prayer, Pastoral prayer, the sermon, closing hymn and Benediction.
Leading up to, during and at the conclusion of the Sunday Worship Service, there are many people who faithfully serve the Lord:
- Weekly Bulletin volunteers who prepare and send out to the congregation on Saturday;
- Ushers who prepare the sanctuary and greet and guide the people attending the Worship Service;
- Musicians that accompany the congregation in praise of the Living and True God;
- Flower arrangements that would be placed in the Sanctuary;
- A Public Address volunteer who completes a preliminary sound check, manages the livestream and records the sermon;
- Sunday School teachers who lead children in small groups in the study of God’s Word;
- The members of the Food & Refreshment Team that labour to prepare the various items of food and beverages in the Fellowship Hall.
It would be our privilege to welcome you and together we may worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Psalm 96:9a).
Our Elders
Our Deacons
Home Care Group (HCG)
Basic Bible Knowledge (BBK) [New Members]
Logistics And Maintenance
Worship And Program
Elderly Outreach
Senior & Care (S&C)
Sunday School (SS)
Young People’s Group (YPG)
Food & Refreshment (F&R)
Local Evangelism