Matthew 1:23
~3 min read
“…the purpose and implication of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ…”
What does Christmas mean to us? Almost 2,000 years ago, the Gospel writer, Matthew, recorded the angelic declaration of the purpose and implication of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us” (Matthew 1:23).
The assurance of God’s faithfulness — Christmas is a time to celebrate God’s faithfulness. Several hundred years before the birth of Jesus, God promised that the Saviour of the world would be born to a virgin (c.f. Isaiah 7:14). And just as He promised, Jesus, the Second Person of the blessed Trinity who was co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father and God the Spirit, willingly descended into this world, and dwelt amongst men. Ultimately, He died on the cross and shed His precious to save His people from their sins.
The abolition of fear from our lives — Christmas is a time our hearts are comforted knowing that Jesus not only came to save us, but to be with us. As our Emmanuel, He will never forget nor forsake us, and we will never be alone!
The accountability to live godly lives — Christmas is a time we are reminded of God’s presence in our lives. If Jesus lives in our hearts, then it is our highest duty to hallow His presence with holiness. We must adore the things He adores, and hate the things He hates. He hates sin and loves righteousness, therefore we must never live in sin but in righteousness.
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His Name Is EmmanuelHis Name Is EmmanuelMatthew 1:23