Matthew 5:3-12
~2 min read
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught His disciples by beginning with a series of blessed are the…..which was known as the “beatitudes” (it is a word derived from Latin). To be blessed means to be happy, or blissful. Here, Jesus was speaking to the believers and so this “blessedness” was meant for them. It was not a superficial feeling of happiness based on the circumstances, but a deep supernatural experience of happiness when one’s life was right with God.
Dear children, do you want to have this blessedness? This blessedness or state of happiness and blissfulness can only come to you through your relationship with Jesus Christ. You must trust and believe in Jesus for salvation, and live your life in accordance with His Word (the Bible). When you do that, Jesus promised, “You shall have the kingdom of heaven, be comforted, shall inherit the earth, be filled, shall obtain mercy, see God, be called the children of God, and great is your reward in heaven.” In the following weeks, we shall learn each and every segment of the beatitude.
2024 SUMMER BREAKThe BeatitudesThe BeatitudesMatthew 5:3-12
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