Matthew 6:10a
~4 min read
“…sinful men do not recognise this truth…”
Thy kingdom come (Matthew 6:10a)
When we think of a kingdom, we think of a great castle with a king like King Richard III or Henry VIII, with knights, soldiers and horses. But that is a human kingdom. Here, Jesus was speaking about God’s kingdom. As believers, our citizenships are not of this world but in heaven with God as our King. His kingdom is spiritual and supernatural, and it is infinitely more superior, powerful and perfect to all human kingdoms. Believers belong to the kingdom of God!
The word kingdom means sovereignty or dominion, and basically it means God reigns and rules as our King. Essentially, God is the King of the entire universe, but sadly, sinful men do not recognise this truth. The Jews believed that the Messiah would come and rule the world, and initially, some did believe that Jesus was the Messiah and they mistakenly thought that He had come to remove the ruling Romans and establish His kingdom immediately. When Jesus did not do that, they were disappointed and offended, and they had Him crucified on the cross of Calvary. There was even a mocking sign nailed on His cross, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
Sadly, they did not understand that Jesus’ first coming was to die for the sins of His people, and His second coming would be to establish His millennial kingdom. In His millennial kingdom, all the glorified believers would rule together with Him for one thousand years on this earth.
Dear children, Jesus had saved us through His first coming, and He promised to come again. So when we pray, thy kingdom come, we are praying, “Come Lord Jesus, come quickly!” How can this prayer, thy kingdom come, affect our lives?
- Our King - In the meantime, while we wait for His soon return, we want Jesus to reign in our hearts and be the King of our lives (Luke 17:20-21).
- Our repentance - But how can Jesus rule in our hearts, unless we first repent from our sins and believe in Him as our Lord and Saviour? (Matthew 3:2) Have you believed in Jesus?
- Our commitment - Our decision to follow Jesus is a persevering commitment. The kingdom of God is for those who have decided to follow Jesus and will not look back (Luke 9:62).
- Our value - The kingdom of God is priceless, and it is worth so much that we are willing to give up everything just to have it (Matthew 13:44).
- Our pursuit - Since the kingdom of God is priceless, then it is to be pursued above everything else (Matthew 6:33).
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