1 Corinthians 11:2-7
Ps Paul Cheng
~8 min read
Dear Bethelites,
Some churches emphasize that all their women would have to place a veil on their head when they come to church for worship services. Some years back, someone called up our church and enquired about our worship services, and she seemed to be quite happy to visit our church until she asked me the question whether our church practised head coverings for women. When I said, “No,” she hung up, and she did not visit our church after that.
Is it necessary for women today to put on head coverings? What is this head covering, is it referring to the veil, or is it referring to the woman’s hair? What is the significance of head coverings? Is this passage really about head coverings? From this passage in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, we want to learn not only about the significance of head covering, but the more important spiritual lesson of submitting to God’s order and plan. We will divide this passage into two parts vv.2-7 and vv.8-16.
I. The Problem
1 Corinthians 11:2, Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you.
Though the Corinthians were problematic and immature, yet they respected the authority and wisdom of Paul. The word ordinances means traditions or teachings that were passed on from one person to another. The traditions of men should be avoided, but the traditions that are given in the Word of God, e.g. the apostolic traditions must be observed. The Corinthians remembered the truths of God’s Word, but the problem was that they did not apply those truths into their lives. Likewise today there are many people who are like the Corinthians with a head puffed up with knowledge, but their lives show no evidence of godliness. Believers must never behave like that!
II. The Example
Verse 3, But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. It is good to understand the situation back then in the Corinthian church. In those days, as mainly a male chauvinistic society, women would often live in the background. But all of a sudden, the gospel of Christ gave them much dignity and honour, and somehow, many women became so outspoken that they rebelled against the God-given authority of the men. Thus, it was important for Paul to stress to them the roles of men and women in God’s order and plan.
The word head refers to the one who has the ruling authority. Notice, here Paul made three important statements.
Firstly, the head of every man is Christ. Christ is uniquely the head of the church; He is our Saviour and Lord, and He has redeemed and bought us by His precious blood. Christ is also the head of every human being, believers and unbelievers alike, though the unbelievers would never acknowledge His headship. But the Bible tells us that one day, at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:10-11). In other words, ultimately one either bows before Christ as his Saviour or as his Judge!
Secondly, the head of every woman is the man. It does not mean that the man is any better than the woman, or the woman is any less than the man. But God has chosen the man to be the leader and the woman must submit to the authority that God has designed. It is His order, will and plan that the man is to be the leader. As far as personal worth, abilities, intellect or spirituality are concerned, the woman is completely equal to the man. In fact, some women are even more superior to some men in terms of abilities, maturity and spirituality. But God has ordained the man as the authority and the woman as the subordination in His order and plan for mankind. Women must never usurp that God-ordained authority (1 Timothy 2:11-12)!
Thirdly, the head of Christ is God. Christ has never been, in any way, inferior to the Father in His essence, for He is the eternal Almighty God. Yet in His incarnation, He willingly subjected Himself to the Father, to be our Saviour and Redeemer because He loves us so much. He willingly subjected Himself completely to His Father’s will as an act of humble obedience to fulfil the divine purpose of saving His people.
In essence, Paul was saying, “Just as Christ is submissive to the Father, Christians are to be submissive to Christ, and women are to be submissive to men!” One cannot accept one part and reject the other part; for they are all ordained by God.
Consider this — If Christ had not submitted to the will of God, redemption for mankind would be impossible and we will forever be doomed and lost. If we do not submit to Christ as our Saviour and Lord, we will forever be doomed and lost. And if women do not submit to men, or wives to their own husbands, then the family and society as a whole will be dysfunctional and destroyed. So whether on a divine or human scale, submission and authority are the indispensable elements in God’s order and plan.
III. The Application
Having established the principle of God’s order and plan, Paul went on to speak on the application. Verse 4, Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. Here, Paul was speaking about the public ministry before the Lord and the people (like in the worship service), whereby one’s testimony was very important. The word prophesying means to declare God’s truth as recorded in the Holy Scriptures.
In those days, women wore a veil to signify that she would not expose herself to other men. Her beauty was reserved entirely for her husband or future husband. Likewise in the city of Corinth, especially during a public ministry, wearing a head covering was a woman’s way of stating her devotion and submission to her husband and ultimately her commitment to God’s order and plan.
The phrase, having his head covered, literally means “having down from head.” Some theologians believed that this was not a reference to having the head covered with a veil because the Jewish men did not do that, but rather it was referring to men having long hair like a covering. Women ought to have long hair like a covering, and men ought not to have long hair like a covering. But whether this was a reference to long hair or some kind of a veil, the principle is the same; the roles of men and women must not be reversed!
For a man to pray and preach without his head covered was a sign of his authority over the women. But for a man to pray and preach with his head covered would suggest a reversal of the God-given roles which means he was taking on the role of the woman instead. That would be an abomination unto God!
In our modern context, we may not have the practice of putting on head coverings. But the principle is the same; for the man to play the role of the woman, or for the father to play the role of the mother, or for the husband to play the role of the wife, it is a dishonour to Christ!
Verse 5, But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishnoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. Here, it does not mean that the Apostle Paul approved of women teaching, preaching and leading in a church worship service. Women are allowed to pray and preach, but the Bible is consistent, and we have to consider all the other scripture passages. The New Testament has no restrictions on the woman teaching children and other women (c.f. Titus 2:4-5). But women should not pray and preach in the meetings of the church where men are present, because this would contradict the other Bible verses like usurping the authority of men.
For a Corinthian woman to pray and preach with her head uncovered, she would dishonour her head which was the man which means she did not regard her devotion and submission to husband as something important. Ultimately her action was a disregard for the God-ordained authority!
Historians tell us that in those days, there were women who would take off their veils or head coverings, and cut their hair to look like men. Much like the feminist movement in our time, they wanted to be treated exactly like men and they attacked the institution of marriage, and the raising of children as unfair restrictions of their rights. They wanted independence by leaving their husbands and homes, refusing to care for their children, living with other men, demanding jobs traditionally held by men, and wearing men’s clothing and hairstyles. Apparently, some of the Corinthians were influenced by those movements, and they were starting to refuse to cover their heads at the appropriate times.
When such women were allowed to teach children and other women, they were actually teaching them to rebel and disobey God’s order and plan! Therefore, Paul went on to say in verse 6, For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
In those days, only the prostitute would shave her head. The church father Chrysostom wrote in his writings that women guilty of adultery had their hair shaved off and were marked as prostitutes. No woman would want to be branded as a prostitute. In a sense, Paul was saying, “If you want to uncover your head, you might as well go all the way, and have your head shaved. If you are unwilling to look like a prostitute, then do not pray or teach with your head uncovered.”
Though head covering was a cultural thing and practised during the Corinthian times, the principle being taught is about the God-ordained authority and submission. This matter of God’s order and plan should never be compromised.
The head covering was a sign of subordination. Verse 7,For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.
Man was uniquely created to bear the image of God. Adam was created as ruler, and God gave him dominion over all the created world. Both man and woman were created in God’s image, but as far as the original creation was concerned, it was only Adam who was created from the dust of the ground. Eve was created later from one of Adam’s ribs (Genesis 2:22-23). It was in this sense that man was made in the image and glory of God, and woman was made in the image of God but in the glory of the man.
Through the man, God shows how magnificent a creature He could create for Himself. Through the woman, God shows how magnificent a creature He could create out of or from man. But as far as saving and sanctifying grace is concerned, the woman and man share in the same communion with God. They are both saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and they will both be like Jesus when they see Him face to face.
With love in Christ,
Pastor Paul Cheng
(To be continued in the next pastoral chat)
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